Thursday, September 21, 2017

5 Reasons why I enrolled my son for MMA class

For many of you that knew about my son, Naaman, you may have noticed that he is still quite young. How young? He has not even graduated from nursery. So what is this about enrolling him for MMA? As an accountable person, you may want to queried me with the following questions:

1) He is too young to be enrolled for such type of classes, right? 
2) Why not wait until he is older?
3) Does he actually needed to attend the MMA class?
4) That seems a little reckless, don't you think?
5) There are many other important skills such as swimming, english diction, playing a musical instrument etc. etc.

I hear you if you are thinking to ask me those questions and I sincerely appreciate your kind thoughts. However, I am convinced that the benefits of the MMA class will outweighs any negatives of that class. Perhaps you may think that I am crazy or perhaps I am just doing what Asian parents do. Don't we all hoped that our children were able to experienced things that we never did when we were young? Did we not hoped that our children enjoy all the best things in life? Did we not strived to give our chidlren the opportunity that we never had during his age? In general, have we not hoped our children lived the life that we never had? My wife and I had contemplated to send Naaman for various enrichment classes but our finances placed a limit on our wants for Naaman, hence the only option available is to prioritize these classes.

So what are the 5 main reasons that I have prioritise the MMA class over other skill classes?

1) The class will help him build his self confidence.
It is without a doubt that the class will help Naaman to build his self confidence as he becomes better in the craft. He could also teaches his future school friends a lesson or two so his friends would know who to look for when they needed help.

2) The class will help him improve his focus/concentration.
Naaman has always been a very focused boy but the MMA class will help him to focus more on the things that he does and how to excel in it through sheer focus and concentration .

3) He will learn the black from the white and everything in between.
It is imperative for children to know this skill as it wil be one of the fundamental in their life. I could never imagine my son living in this world without this skill especially when he learns other more advanced skills in his later years such as handling money, driving, etc.

4) He will be taught new things that will help his physical and mental development.
I am convinced that as a person learn more things, they will discover new things on their own. One thing leads to the other. As children learn more things at a younger age, they will have the ability and opportunity to discover new things on their own, which will determine their character in their later years.

5) Because I wanted to.
As Naaman is still young, he may not know what is good for him or could not comprehend what is good for him. As his father, it is important for me to demonstrate that I know what is good for him, that I care about his future and that my instruction at this point of his life, is non-negotiable. He will need to learn to obey as I value obedience as one of the top quality for greater things.

So you see, there is really nothing wrong nor irresponsible for me to enrol my son in the MMA class and if you have your own children or you have nephews and nieces, you should too!

Relax and chill. Have a great day ahead!

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